delonix regia การใช้
- "Delonix regia " is endemic to the endangered, but it is widely cultivated elsewhere.
- ""'Delonix regia " "'is a species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae, subfamily Caesalpinioideae.
- Royal poinciana, Delonix regia, is native to Madagascar.
- :Royal poinciana or Delonix regia is found in India, or it may be another kind of flame tree.
- Other notable tree species include flamboyant tree ( " Delonix regia " ), " Pachypodium " species, and several Fabaceae and Rubiaceae.
- The larvae feed on the foliage of Caesalpiniaceae species, including " Peltophorum pterocarpum " and " Delonix regia " and can cause extensive damage.
- This part of the island, originally called Kopondai, was so named by the Portuguese because of the flowering " Delonix regia " trees found there.
- The Poinciana ( Caesalpinia pulcherrima ) was named in his honor, the name later becoming secondarily associated with the Royal Poinciana ( Delonix regia ).
- Across the lawn towards the garage and outbuildings or Government House takes is a Delonix regia planted by Governor Lt . Colonel William Reid in 1840.
- Although the colorful and impressive flame tree ( " Delonix regia " ) is found throughout the Marianas, the tree on Guam has been largely decimated.
- The semi-circle of poinciana ( Delonix regia ) was established during the 1914 Council refurbishment and sits around an ornamental circular flower bed redesigned by Harry Oakman in the late 1950s.
- It was popular with visitors who came from near and far to enjoy the display of willows, bamboos and the brilliant reds and yellows of the " Delonix regia " trees.
- The town garden used to be popular with visitors who came from near and far to enjoy the display of willows, bamboos and the brilliant reds and yellows of the " Delonix regia " trees.
- A number of plants with an origin in Madagascar have become invasive in other regions, such as the traveller's tree in R閡nion, or the flamboyant tree ( " Delonix regia " ) in various tropical countries.
- Their larvae are commonly found on " Delonix regia ", a " Fabaceae " but most probably they are polyphage, as the adults can also be found up to altitudes of 1000m were this plant isn't found.
- The lot also has some striking mature trees in the front yard, including two Royal Poinciana ( Delonix regia ) beside the driveway, a West Indian mahogany ( Swietenia mahagoni ), and a huge Sandbox tree ( Hura crepitans)
- These significant mature trees include poincianas ( Delonix regia ), weeping figs ( Ficus benjamina ), white figs ( Ficus virens ), Canary Island date palms ( Phoenix canariensis ), Queen palms ( Syagrus romanzoffiana ) and wine palms ( Butia capitata ).
- The garden includes mature specimens of poinciana ( Delonix regia ), Canary Island date palms ( Phoenix canariensis ), Queen palms ( Syagrus romanzoffiana ), wine palms ( Butia capitata ) and fig trees including, weeping figs ( Ficus benjamina ) and white figs ( Ficus virens ).
- The avenues of mature specimens of poinciana ( Delonix regia ), Canary Island date palms ( Phoenix canariensis ), Queen palms ( Syagrus romanzoffiana ), wine palms ( Butia capitata ) and fig trees including weeping figs ( Ficus benjamina ) and white figs ( Ficus virens ), provide a pleasant vista amongst its busy, commercial surrounds and make an important contribution to the landscape.